
Reflections of an ISSCR President, 2010-2011
By Elaine Fuchs
We will also present the inaugural ISSCR Public Service Award to Robert Klein, Chairman of the Governing Board of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), for his outstanding contribution of public service to the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine. Through his vision and leadership, Bob Klein secured for California long-term financial support for stem cell research that has provided a framework to foster new and established talent, innovative science, and clinical application. Bob’s advocacy for stable financial support for stem cell research on the international stage is unprecedented. read more…


Scientific American
November 21, 2005
Embryonic stem cells can become any other cell in the body, a capability researchers hope one day to direct toward healing organs ravaged by disease. . . . the state of California in the past year became the world’s largest single backer of stem cell research, a move spearheaded by Palo Alto, Calif.-based housing developer Robert Klein. read more…


Time Magazine
April 18, 2005
The 2005 Time 100
They are the people who inspire us, entertain us, challenge us and change our world. Meet the breakouts, pioneers, moguls, leaders and icons who make up this year’s TIME 100.
Robert Klein by Dana Reeve
In addition to a career as a successful California real estate developer, he now has a new job: overseeing the $3 billion stem-cell-research fund that he initiated and California voters approved last November.
The fund was Bob Klein’s baby, and it grew out of a crisis in his life. When juvenile diabetes was diagnosed in his young son, Klein immediately began researching cutting-edge science in pursuit of a cure. Stem cells emerged as the clear front runner, but the moratorium in federal funding was hindering research. So Klein began to design, draft and push through the enormous piece of legislation known as Proposition 71. read more…


People Magazine
November 8, 2004
(pages 109-110)
Robert Klein made millions as a real estate developer but feels powerless. His son Jordan, 14, suffers from type 1 diabetes, which forces him to monitor everything he eats and yet still makes him feel very sick a couple of times a year. “He has to figure out many carbs he can consume in a day. If his calculations are wrong, he ends up in the hospital,” says his father.


New York Times
November 5, 2004
California to the Rescue
When California voters enacted a lavishly financed stem cell program on Tuesday, they performed a valuable service that should help keep this nation in the forefront of one of the most promising areas of biomedical research.The ballot measure won almost 60 percent of the vote. read more…


New York Times
September 20, 2004
Californians to Vote on Stem Cell Research Funds
By John M. Broder and Andrew Pollack
The federal government spent $25 million last year on studies involving human embryonic stem cells. But California, in an act of political and scientific rebellion against limits on stem cell research imposed by the Bush White House, may be on the verge of spending $300 million a year in each of the next 10 years on such research. read more…